Legislature 2019 – 2022

I work as State Senator Lorraine Inouye‘s legislative aid as a seasonal hire. The span of employment lasts throughout the 60-day legislative session, which is usually from the start of January to early May. I have worked every session with her office since 2019…. Sessions 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.

I was hired by Senator Inouye due to my previous experience in the Hawaii State Senate from 1998 to 2014. It also helped that I am familiar with the Island of Hawaii having been a former resident and returning visitor to see family and friends in her district of Hamakua, Waimea, Kohala and North Kona.

As legislative aid, i was tasked with creating posts for her social media site (Facebook) as well as producing her constituent newsletter. Production included photography, writing, editing and layout production for the newsletters. Two editions of the newsletter were issued during my short tenure there.

I also wrote press releases, senate certificates and numerous correspondence. Routine tasks included answering phones, listening to and answering constituent questions.

Senator Inouye’s March-April 2019 Newsletter

Senator Inouye’s May 2019 Newsletter

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